Join us for Worship
10 AM at
Mission College,
Hospitality Management Building

A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14

Connect with us

Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world.” He radiates forth truth and hope to all those who come to Him. All our ministries are centered on Jesus so we will come to know His truth and hope more fully, and so that we will grow to love Him more deeply.

We exist to glorify God by proclaiming the truth of His Word, strengthening the faith of His people, and spreading the hope of His Gospel.

Our Values

Extravagant Devotion

We want to be done with half-hearted devotion to Jesus. We want to be done with apathetic, nominal, go-through-the-motions kind of Christianity. We strive to be a church that overflows with love for Jesus and passionately follows Him.


Expository Preaching

When we gather on Sundays, we want to hear from God. His is the voice of singular authority. God’s Word is infinitely more important than man’s opinion because only His Word has the power to change hearts. That is why we are committed to expository preaching, the kind of preaching that seeks to accurately explain the Scriptures.


Purposeful Community

When God saved us, He adopted us into His family. Every day, we strive to live out what it means to be brothers and sisters in Christ. As a spiritual family, we strive to move past surface-level small talk into deep and meaningful spiritual conversations.


Compassionate Evangelism

We share the heart of Jesus, who grieved over people’s sin and saw the crowds as sheep without a shepherd. It is the great desire of our hearts to lead people to the Good Shepherd who will give rest to their souls.